This neighborhood’s median real estate price of $150,889 is less expensive than 67.0 percent of North Carolina neighborhoods and 73.7 percent of all U.S. neighborhoods, according to the National Association of REALTORS®.

Old Lexington Rd has an average rental price of $1,110 per month at the moment. Rents in this community are currently less expensive than rents in 59.2 percent of North Carolina neighborhoods.

Old Lexington Rd is a residential neighborhood in Winston-Salem, North Carolina area, that was established in the 1960s.

Old Lexington Rd real estate is mostly comprised of medium to small single-family homes and mobile homes, with a few larger multi-family structures. The vast majority of residential real estate is owned and occupied by the property’s owner. Despite being established, many of the homes in the Old Lexington Rd area were built between 1970 and 1999, making them very young in age. Between 1940 and 1969, a number of houses were constructed as well.

The current vacancy rate in Old Lexington Rd is 3.6 percent, which is lower than the national average of 82.6 percent, which is the lowest rate among all neighborhoods in the United States. As a result, the housing availability on Old Lexington Rd is extremely limited when compared to the demand for property in the neighborhood.

There are a variety of factors that influence a neighborhood, but the first thing that most people notice is the way a neighborhood seems and the distinctive character it possesses. For example, one would notice whether all of the buildings were constructed within a specific historical period or whether the store signs were written in several languages. It is worth mentioning that this particular Winston-Salem area, the Old Lexington Rd neighborhood, has several noteworthy characteristics in terms of its appearance and way of life that are deserving of mention.

The real estate in this community contains more mobile homes than 97.0 percent of other neighborhoods in America, with mobile homes accounting for 35.3 percent of all inhabited housing in this neighborhood. For those who are seeking for a mobile home or who enjoy the look and feel of mobile home parks, this neighborhood may be the ideal location for you.

To gain a better picture of how much money people make in an area, two complementing measurements are available: the average and the extremes. In spite of the fact that a neighborhood may be very prosperous on the whole, it is equally vital to understand the proportion of people – particularly children – who are living at or below the federal poverty line, which is an exceptionally low income level.

Reynolda Rd
Winston Salem Deck Builders